Interview mit Eugen Theise, Deutsche Welle, zum Assoziierungsabkommen, das die EU mit der Ukraine paraphiert hat, 29.3.2012
Tag: European Union
The European Union, Hungary and its Democratic Norms
Interview with Melissa Eddy, New York Times, 9 March 2012
Download pdf here:EU-HUN-NYT_120309
Orbáns Euroskeptizismus
Interview zur EU-Ratspräsidentschaft Ungarns mit Rebecca Donauer, ARTE JOURNAL, 27.6.2011
Download pdf: EU-HUN-Arte_110627
Ungarns EU-Präsidentschaft
Interview mit Gero Brandenburg, Handelsblatt, 6.1.2011
PDF-Version hier: EU-HUN-Handelsblatt_110106
White Paper on Multi-Level Governance
In 2009, the EU Committee of Regions adopted a White Paper on Multi-Level Governance. During the public consultation of this document, I prepared the following opinion:
From a theoretical perspective, the most convincing strategy of institutional design would be to ensure a congruence between those affected by policies and those eligible to elect the political representatives who decide on these policies. Such a congruence of constituencies would create the best conditions for policymakers to be held accountable for their policies and thus strengthen the incentives for responsive policymaking. In contrast, an incongruence between those responsible for and those affected by a policy would provide incentives for unaccountable and unresponsive policymaking (e.g. negative external effects, moral hazard, freeriding).